Tuesday, November 17, 2009

November 17, 2009, Chestertown, Maryland


Kent County's Daughters of the American Revolution Chapter (the oldest one on the Eastern Shore!) heard from two Maryland Military Generals at their meeting last week: General Allyson Solomon, Assistant Adjutant General for Air , Maryland National Guard; and General Annette Deener, Director, Joint Staff, Joint Force Headquarters Maryland. Two local veterans, former U. S. Navy Wave Shirley Baldwin and former U. S. Marine Helen Fritz were recognized.

We hear the first Chestertown Book Festival was a success despite the weather!

(From October 20, 2009 approved minutes of the Kent County Board of Commissioners)

Edesville/Lovers Lane- In follow up to September 22 meeting, Commissioner Crow questioned Rock Hall Mayor Jay Jacobs as to the reasons behind the denial of the County’s request to connect eleven properties to the Edesville water system. Mayor Jacobs stated that the town hired a consultant to complete a feasibility study of the plant prior to the allocations being requested. The study, which was not completed until months after the allocation request, determined that there are problems within the system and the amount of water being dispersed is not matching usage being recorded. Mayor Jacobs stated that when the Town was requested to provide an answer as to whether or not they could provide the allocations, they were not in a position to grant the allocations because more time was needed to identify the problems within the system. Commissioner Crow questioned how long this identification will take. Mayor Jacobs informed that the Rock Hall Town Manager is contacting detection firms to investigate this problem. Commissioner Crow questioned whether there is a lack of available water. Mayor Jacobs stated that the feasibility study used a worse case scenario. He stated that with the amount of water left and without knowing the root of the problem within the system, the Town of Rock Hall is not comfortable providing allocations to locations outside of the boundaries of Rock Hall. He stated that if the problem is related to a leak and the leak is near an open body of water it could be hard to determine. Commissioner Fithian informed that the Town of Rock Hall will be conducting a workshop on November 2 and this matter will be addressed. He stated that some of the questions involving the system have been answered and will be discussed at this meeting. Commissioner Crow stated that if the Town is unable to provide water service, sewer service will still be provided.

Reverend Ruben Freeman, who was in the audience, commented that the citizens waiting for the allocations in Edesville are in limbo and stated that funding for this project has already been approved and could be rescinded if not used.

Correspondence dated October 13 was received from A. Hussain Alhija, Chief, Nutrient Resources Division, enclosing Sewage Sludge Utilization Permit Applications submitted to the MDE to apply sewage sludge on the John and Andrea Rigdon property on the Stoltzfus Farm, LLC Property. Pursuant to Section 9-234 of the Environment Article, Annotated Code of Maryland, the Commissioners forwarded correspondence to request the Nutrient Resources Division to conduct a public information meeting regarding the proposed sewage sludge utilization project.

Nicholson’s Landfill- At the request of Marty Holden, Waste Management Division Chief, the Commissioners approved and Commissioner Crow signed United States Department of Agriculture grant application for federal assistance for a groundwater remediation project to be completed at the Nicholson Landfill Drop-Off Site.

(From October 27, 2009 approved minutes of the Kent County Board of Commissioners)

Jim Wright, County Engineer, appeared and advised that he spoke with Mary Etta Reedy, Assistant Superintendent of Instruction, who informed him that the Kent County High School (KCHS) Culinary Program would be interested in running the concession stand at the Community Center. Mr. Wright stated that John Keller, KCHS Culinary Arts Teacher, will be developing a business plan and providing it to Jack Steinmetz, Director of Economic Development, for review. The Commissioners expressed their support.

Wayne Morris, Director, appeared to discuss the following items:

Quaker Neck/Lover’s Lane Service Area- Mr. Morris presented copy of Kent Lawrence’s executed public works agreement for the Commissioners’ discussion and signature for the Quaker Neck/Lover’s Lane property. The County will agree to design and construct the facilities and Mr. Lawrence agrees to pay for design and construction of all facilities necessary to provide sewer service to his 12 lots. Commissioner Crow questioned whether or not Mr. Lawrence will pay allocation fees once the line has been installed. Mr. Morris stated that the proposed agreement provides that the allocation fees will be paid once the line is adjacent to the owner’s property and operational. This is consistent with the Commissioners’ earlier assent to request by Mr. Lawrence not to pay the allocation fees until there has been a connection of the valve to the line. Commissioner Crow also questioned item # 6 under additional arrangements. The Commissioners stated that they did not want an open ended time frame for Mr. Lawrence to pay these fees. Mr. Morris suggested that Mr. Lawrence be given a time limit not to exceed one year from the date the county line is adjacent to the owner’s property and operational to begin payment of full residential charges. The Commissioners agreed with this suggestion. Mr. Morris will change the agreement accordingly, discuss the changes with Mr. Lawrence and bring the agreement back for the Commissioners’ approval and signatures.

Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan- In follow up to suggestions made by Commissioner Crow during the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan public hearing, Mr. Morris informed that he revised the plan to include Fox Hole Estates, Kentmore Park, Shorewood Estates, Gregg Neck and Georgetown under the sanitary surveys section so that the health department can move forward in the future with conducting sanitary surveys of these areas. Commissioner Crow requested Mr. Morris to review this language with Gail Owings, Director of Planning.

Later in the day, and after speaking with Ms. Owings, Mr. Morris informed that Ms. Owings recommended that the entire language be left out of the plan for realty purposes. He stated that he feels the language should be included so that the areas can be addressed in the future. The Commissioners approved for the language to be added to the plan.

Copies of correspondence dated October 15, addressed to Tom Leigh, Chester River Keeper, and Kascie Herron, Sassafras River Keeper, were received from Karl Weed, Deputy Director of Water and Wastewater Services, addressing comments received from the Chester River Association and the Sassafras River Association, regarding the proposed update of the Comprehensive Water and Sewerage Plan and providing reasoning why there were no changes made to the plan based on these comments.

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